Monday, December 11, 2006

Venture Bubble Redux?

The foreboding headline on a Financial Times story Monday is not sitting well with at least one venture investor. “VC rises to dotcom bubble levels,” the headline declares. The article goes onto explain that total venture-capital investment is estimated to reach $32 billion this year, which is the highest in the past four years and “closer to levels seen during the dot-com bubble.”
“It’s not even close,” writes Paul Kedrosky in his Infectious Greed blog:
Sure, it’s the highest it’s been in four years, but you might equally write that VC funding is still 36 percent off its dotcom peak, or that it is more or less flat year-over-year. Instead we have this irresponsible stuff.
Go to Article from The Financial Times via »Go to Item from Infectious Greed »

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